Ihsan house Organization

Ihsan house organization focuses on providing those in dire need with water, food and education


Water Projects

Drilling Water Wells and developing water foundations for those in need



Food Donation, Zakat, and assistance for the Poor and Needy



Building Schools, developing education programs and providing an online language learning



Helping build commmunities and supporting them

Ihsan house organization focuses on water, charity, humanitarian & education projects to support families in need within Canada and abroad.

Ihsan House Organisation was created with the notion to provide assistance and help poor families throughout Canada and around the world focusing on areas that are most in need, ensuring they receive the basic humanitarian needs to grow and develop those at a less advantage.

This assistance includes food, clean water and education. Our mission is to fight poverty through the above-mentioned projects and ensure that the most vulnerable populations are aware and motivated to solve their problems.

Our mission is built on two main components, 1. Nationally and 2. Internationally

1. In Canada:

  • Food support

2. Internationally:

  • Drinking water projects
  • Educational aid
  • Food support for poor families
  • Help for orphans

Mission Statement


Working alongside local partners to ensure access to clean water for the entire community making a lasting improvement in the lives of the poorest people on the planet.


To provide humanitarian assistance through the development of Food Banks, Soup kitchens and Food Aid programs to those most in need.


To alleviate illiteracy among the poor and populations with less advantage through the vocation of the latest technology.

Ihsan House Organization is a Canadian based Federally Incorporated Non-profit Organization (NPO) that was established in Montreal, Quebec in December 2020. Ihsan House Organization has entered into several collaborative partnership agreements with local charities and international charitable agencies that align with a similar objective and mission statement. 

We collect donations through our online channels to ensure all money donated is 100% transferred to its designated area of Charity. Ihsan House Organization has been accepting the Muslims obligatory Zakat dues and will direct and distribute those funds directly to Muslim families in need that are eligible to receive those funds. 

Our strategy


We enjoy sharing the projects as much as we enjoy creating them. Browse through some of our recent completed work or be a part of them.

Drilling Deep Wells

Ihsan House organization has drilled over 60 new water wells in different African countries where each well provides safe, clean and healthy water for over 5000 people.

Sponsoring Village Pumps

Sustainability must be part of the long-term solution. We maintain over 70 water wells across the country, keeping the clean water flowing for over ½ million people.

Rehabilitating Existing Wells

Wells can last for over a decade with regular maintenance, but eventually will need a major overhaul. Through our expertise and skilled workers we install a new pump, repair the cement slab, or blow debris out of the bottom of the old well.

Our process

We are happy and delighted to share full transparency of all our projects just as much as we enjoy creating, developing and following them through to the end. Our process follows 4 simple steps:


Select project

Select the project you would like to impact. Browse through some of our recent accomplishments or be a part of our work.


Choose the donation amount and donate towards that project. Congratulations, you just made several peoples lives a whole lot better!

Develop and track project

Funds are sent to the exact area through trusted local contacts with an ambassador of ours to ensure 100% delivery of funds to designated source

Updates and Notifications

Sit back and watch your donations prosperous. track and follow the course of the project if you wish.


Donate towards future projects

The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the Way of Allah is as the likeness of a grain which grows seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains. Allah gives manifold increase to whom He wills. Allah is All Embracing, All Knowing.

Surah Al-Baqarah:261