Got a question?
No problem.

Ihsan House is a Canadian based organization, registered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada with worldwide efforts helping those in need locally and internationally. We have several people to assist depending on the region, so please contact us with details regarding your inquiry.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I donate to a specific project?

To donate to a specific project, please click non the donate button and select the desired project you wish to contribute your funds towards. This choise will determine where your funds will be placed in, and thank you very much for your donation!

How do I know my donation will go towards the chosen project?

At Ihsan House we strive to ensure that each collected fund is explicity used for the chosen project of choice. We designate a specific code that determines where the donations and contributions go towards and ensure it strictly stays within that prokect

Do I need to link my bank account?

No, you simply just click on donate and choose your preffered method of donation and follow the transaction process. Thank you for your donation.

How do I track my project?

We will post updates for each project on the Ishan House website. If you require additional information, please send us an email and an Ihsan House member will follow up with you.

Send us an Email

We will reply as soon as possible

Our response time varies depending on request details, but rest assured we respond to everyone

"Those who in charity spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve"
